

One of the most important parts of each house land apartment , specially considered by Iranian families ,and women is kitchen and its products. Currently most social class includes the young people ,consideration of new and young oriented view of society is so important in selection of products , since the point of view of young and graduated generation in evaluation of products quality , efficiency ,variety and color ,differ and is more careful than the previous generation. 

Hence, for exact recognition of the customer needs and interests and continuation of quality improvement of the products ,requires the mutual relation between manufacturer and user , which applying the updated technology and optimal managing , can bring about the increasing infrastructure success , in development of National  gross production and non requirement  to the foreign products.

History of the Company

In the Year 1993 , Bahaz kala , Commercial –Manufacturing co, considering the needs to the changes in kitchen of Iranian women, decided to design and produce the rice Bin. Certainly no body supposed such a development in the factory as today .

Presently Bahazkala includes several manufacturing units in all of which applying the updated technology experienced managers and personnel and process standardization on the basis of quality management principle (Iso 9001: 2000)and tries to continual improvement of product quality and consequently increase in satisfaction of the customers.

Standards and Quality Certificates : 

Currently Bahaz kala products enjoys CE Europe certificate and quality management standard Iso 9001: 2000, the production of all products are on the basis of the requirement in this 2 categories .

It is notable that, through application of  quality management system and fulfillment of its necessity , would  goal oriented in all institution .process such as : construction, production , inspection, continual improvement , sale ,training and through recognition of daily customer needs up to mass production process , this company would act carefully in the controlled projects(in the most APQP projects)

Development and Continual Improvement : 

Till the year 2005 ,manufacturing work shop of this company has been active separately as production unit , which there was no possibility to manage , careful supervision and fulfillment of continual improvement .

From that year, BAHAZ KALA , has been improved considerably ,both on the category of production area and production technology , which is described briefly here under:










Presently the pressing work shop in an are of 1000 m³ , almost triple comparing to previous status . Meanwhile through applying TIN PLATE SHEETS IN MAKING HEIGYNIC products (such as rice bin, candy &  Grain Bins)providing the necessary ground in fulfilling the requirement of CE Standard allocation and assuring the end customers on hygieneity of above products. In the products such as various type of pedal and official Bins , special greasy sheets have been applied, providing the special forming in making infrastructure and color resistance also enjoys required quality .

One of the most important outcome of company is production of products as steel ,requiring the application of products as steel , requiring the application of best steel sheet grades (It should should be noted steel sheets includes 2 types Non Magnetic  and  Magnetic Steel,in which in Magnetic Steel,  there are a lot of Iron metal, which would react  against the dampness and would rust . But  in Non-Magnetic Steel ,     is resistant to  rusting  due to its optimal  alloys  .

IN the mean time , the role of quality control unit from the beginning of production process (as operationalizing permit) in the press working(pressing) units and in process of in-production inspections(Hourly inspections) and at the end of consignment inspection , is so important In maintenance , quality improvement and avoiding the dispatch of  unqualified products to other units.







Including two department : 

1-2-Washing workshop: This workshop was designed in the beginning of the year 2005 by experienced engineers of organization ,its total establishment last till the  Dey month of the same year. This was performed through application of totally mechanized line for washing and setting the required documents ,through using the best required material. This phase is done in 2 process :







By application of optimal fat absorption , materials and setting the necessary temperature for the relevant bathtub and using wind pressure in all parts of the bathtub will provide the standard conditions to omit the existing oils on the metal surface of the products.







After Oil absorption of products and items , in manufacturing of them using the oil sheets , the products would be entered to the hot and cold washing  bathtub and then would be placed in the phosphating bathtub to provide suitable substructure ( resulting in required adhesiveness  and longevity of paint  on the surface, in the damped and salty spraying conditions) .Then after passing the necessary due times for Hot and cold water washing , would be entered to dryer to avoid probable rusting.

In this process, the quality control group will done necessary documented quality control inspection on filling the material in bathtub and prepared  products.



2-2 Painting workshop :Including 2 mechanized painting line, the development of which on the year 2008 , provide the possibility of two color spectrum simultaneously ,which is so important.                         

In the mean time ,the line of COLOR CAMVAYER,     cause standardization of regarded  process, leading to promotion of longevity in the color of products against rusting .It is notable that applying high quality colors(requiring special ordering ,enjoys the high importancy in maintenance and quality  development of products color.

In this workshop for each spectrum , from each products (or pieces) , 5 sample would be painted in the beginning of relevant spectrum and after performing various tests(Cross cut, appearance,….) and issuing the quality certificate from the quality control group, production permission of consignment (order) would be given .Meanwhile , after 100% of inspection and confirmation of quality ,all products and pieces would be granted the permission to enter to the other units 


In the dekoral unit applying high quality paper design provided by local and foreign suppliers also applying the 

vacuum unit. The drawing of paper on design is soimportant regarding the production time and quality (light colors and dark coloring of design in the pieces) operationalized in the year 2007.

After performance of dekor process ,quality would be confirmed and dispatched to the fabrication section.


The operationalizing the Teflon line, in which the required granul  would be obtained as teflonized , with quality certificate of suppliers . also, through using the modern systems in the process such as pulling, painting ,color variety of this service would lead to variety of Bahaz kala products.Certainly the role of quality control in each production process of this product is necessary as other products.


This section , has been operationalized in 2 phase , with the development of other production units ,which certainly led to promotion of production capacity of the complex in the year 2008, to the min. volume of 50% compared to the year 2007. (After fabrication and quality confirmation , products astrousseau or in group  would be gathered , on which complementary and final inspection would be done .If confirmed identifying ,tracing and quality confirmation would be place on and would be documented for probable coming tracings.


6-The Raw Material Ware House :

All of the pieces produced by suppliers , would be reserved in the ware house after being inspected and confirmed and if necessary would be sent to various production sections.

The 100%  development of ware house area comparing to two previous years will lead to establishment of one of the necessary basis to increase the production capacity .




7-The warehouse of end product 

The warehouse of products has increased 100% , in comparison to the year 2007,which is too influential in preserving the products and on time delivery of products to the customers especially on the crucial periods. 

The product development (R & D): The new production line of 14 liter pedal bin ,fork and spoon holder ,operationalizing the production line of new scale of Bahaz kala , operationalizing the production line of steel products and other in-line projects ,indicating the daily promotion of Bahazkala company on increasing  of the customer satisfaction and production continuation with regards to the daily interests of the customers.





      Painting workshop



