Steel-White Pedal Bin - 14 Liters (Metal Lid ) Silent  

Part Number: 

Technical specification

Product Code:             16076054
Height :                     41 cm
Diameter :                 27 cm
Weight :                    4 kg
Capacity:                  14 litres

Our excellent 14 liter pedal bin, with soft closing mechanism, that is closed slowly and silently. This is a new model, ideal for use in the kitchen, offices and elsewhere. It's large enough for your waste, but still small enough to fit under your worktop.
Product information
  • Light pedal operation and the lid closes silently.
  • The lid remains open when you push the pedal.
  • Removable plastic inner bucket.
  • Plastic sucker under
  • Sturdy metal carrying handle - easy to move the bin
  • Non-skid base - pedal bin stands stable, even on wet or polished floor.
  • Robust pedal mechanism and high quality materials.
  • Plastic floor ring to prevent damage to the floor and plastic sucker for perfect stop.
  • Various types of desired colors.
  • Made of stainless steel- fingerprint proof, for steel collection.
  • Corrosion resistant.
  • 10 year guarantee.
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